
All crossy road secret characters
All crossy road secret characters

all crossy road secret characters

She carries a sword (presumably Excalibur), and will raise it in the air if you stand still for a bit. When playing as the Lady, all rivers are now sparkling. There's an audio cue when you see the river that's different looking than the others. Lady of the Lake: Jump in the sparkling river.Keep moving, or get to a log or a lily pad and he can rest. If you stand still for a bit, he loses his arms first and then his legs. He's an homage to Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail. Black Knight: Requires 100 tokens, obtained by playing the Pecking Order daily challenge.A nod to Disney's A Sword in the Stone, The Wart is the only character that can draw Excalibur and unlock Merlin. Mumbles importantly to himself and people bow to him when he passes. Hums to herself and people bow to her when she passes. Carries around a book and a backpack, but otherwise nothing special that I could see. He's the only character that can find Robin Hood. Carries a bible, which he lifts into the air when you stand still. Not much to say, except the bird squawks and when you die it flies away. If you stand still, he'll throw rotten fruit in whatever direction he's facing. Laughs like Beavis and Butthead, or some evildoer. It doesn't do anything other than make a sound. Anvils, anvils, everywhere! Lots of the regular objects on the medieval level are replaced with anvils, which the blacksmith can whack. Sometimes giggles, sometimes sniffs arrogantly, she's apparently the female counterpart to the Gorgeous Prince. Laughs knowingly and appears quite full of himself. So, here are the 14 medieval characters, brief notes on each, and what you need to do to unlock them. I've already unlocked every other character, except for the Piggy Bank that requires you to pay $2.99 - I'm cheap, and also addicted. I've played it waaaaaay too much! Recently, the Medieval update came out with a new map, plus 14 new characters.

all crossy road secret characters

I'm going to interrupt my normally scheduled GPU talk to go off on a tangent: Crossy Road.

All crossy road secret characters